Frequently asked questions about wage portage

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Frequently asked questions about wage portage

Starting in payroll is good, but it is important to understand how it works first. To help you, we answer the 5 most asked questions:

Social coverage: what protection?

A payroll employee is considered the same as a traditional employee and can therefore benefit from all the advantages of this status (social security, unemployment benefits, retirement and paid leave). The payroll company will therefore offer all these employees membership in a mutual insurance company, which will allow the payroll employee to have complete social coverage.

Combining unemployment benefits and salary: is it possible?

In some cases, it is indeed possible for a payroll employee to combine unemployment benefits with income earned from their activity. However, to benefit from this, they must meet certain criteria:

  • They must have worked a minimum of 88 days or 610 hours in the last 28 months or 36 months for those over 53;
  • If they wish to receive unemployment benefits to make up for temporary loss of income at the end or between two missions;
  • If they wish to start their own activity as a payroll employee while being registered on Pôle Emploi as a job seeker and presenting an employer's statement that justifies their situation;
  • Not exceed the cumulative ceiling, i.e. the income from professional activity and unemployment benefits must not exceed the previous gross salary.

Being an entrepreneur and payroll employee?

It is possible to have two jobs. Of course, in payroll, the consultant is declared as an employee of the payroll company, but the company has no control over the employee. In fact, the payroll employee is free to choose their mission, their client, and their work. For the combination to be possible, the payroll employee must respect the agreement of September 3, 2021 regarding the combination of jobs or activities.

Stopping work in payroll: how does it work?

In case of illness, it is necessary to inform the payroll service or the manager at the payroll company within 48 hours. Upon receipt of the stop, a request for coverage will be made by the payroll company and sent to Social Security. If the indemnification conditions are met, the payroll employee then receives daily allowances, after a 3-day waiting period.

Note: The amount of daily allowances is calculated based on the amounts of the last three salaries, up to 1.8 times the minimum wage.

End of mission: what are my unemployment rights?

To obtain your unemployment rights at the end of the contract, you must register with Pôle Emploi by sending your employer's statement and pay slips. Pôle Emploi will then calculate your allowances based on your pay slips.

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Your wage portage simulation

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