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Wage portage simulation: Zero Hidden Fees

Wage portage is a three-way relationship that consists of the design of an employment contract between the portage company and the self-employed worker to perform a service for a client. This system makes it possible to develop an activity in complete autonomy while retaining some of the advantages of employment. Discover our Weepo wage portage simulation tool now!

0,00 €
Management fees
0,00 €
Additional fees **
0,00 €
Purchase of IT Equipment excluding tax
0,00 €
0,00 €
Gross salary
0,00 €
Employer contributions
0,00 €
Financial reserve
0,00 €
NET PERCEIVED (Salary + Fees - Taxes)
0,00 €
Social taxes
0,00 €
Net salary
0,00 €
- 0,00 €
Reimbursed expenses
0,00 €
Expenses reimbursed (Purchase of IT Equipment)
0,00 €
VAT refund
0,00 €
Conversion rate
0,00 €
Total gross annual salary
0,00 €
* This simulation tool is only provided for information. The simulations produced do not in any way constitute a contractual commitment.
** RC Pro: 0.1%
Medecine Travail: 0.1%
Factoring & Garantie: 1.55%
CVAE: 0.25%

The Weepo simulation tool, for a serene porting

Specially designed for professionals, the Weepo wage portage simulation tool allows you to calculate the charges and fees for managing your business in a simple, fast and personalized way. In addition, Weepo is committed to working for ethical porting. Thus, our simulator is guaranteed Zero Hidden Costs and ensures total transparency.

Focus on the Average Daily Rate or ADR

First of all, one of the basics to know when it comes to wage portage is the average daily rate, or more commonly known as "ADR".

What simulation of the TJM in porting?

The ADR is the Average Daily Rate. It is equal to the monthly turnover divided by the number of effective days worked in a month. Are you an independent consultant, freelancer? So run a wage portage simulation to estimate your salary from the ADR! However, be careful not to forget the various taxes, management costs of the wage portage company as well as employer charges and social security contributions. These are directly deducted from the turnover.

How to calculate your ADR?

In a portage situation, the employee must work with a predetermined number of working days. Wage portage salary simulators, like at Weepo, are excellent ways to compare the best configuration according to your missions and your needs. So, you can perform this wage portage simulation relying on:

  • The number of days worked in the month;
  • The market price in terms of wage portage, which varies;
  • Your status: are you self-employed or employed? This will condition your diet social !

Be aware that the Monthly Daily Rate must cover your various costs and charges.

Focus on the salary and pay slip in wage portage

The remuneration of an employee in wage portage is not the same as a classic autoentrepreneur or a classic employee. Indeed, certain parameters are to be known to avoid potentially problematic situations. Focus on the salary of a lifted employee!

Is there a minimum wage in wage portage?

The Labor Code and the collective agreement for wage portage employees govern the wage portage sector. Thus, they impose a minimum remuneration which conditions the salary paid by the porterage company itself. This must be equal (at least) to this minimum amount. This condition is valid for any period during which a service has been performed for a client. And this, even if the employee carried is still in negotiation to agree on a price.

How to calculate this minimum wage?

In wage portage, there is a professional classification which appears in chapter 8 of the collective agreement mentioned above. Thus, there are three main categories:

  • junior,
  • Senior,
  • Day package.

This remuneration consists of two parts:

  • The minimum wage paid each month that a service has been performed;
  • A financial reserve stored in the employee's activity account carried and paid in the form compensation at the end of the mission.

Is there a minimum wage portage rate?

To hope to obtain the legal minimum remuneration, the employee carried must practice tariffs at a minimum amount. This is frequently calculated at around 260 euros excluding tax. That is to say 37 euros per hour. Do not hesitate to turn to the Weepo experts to find out the best rate to charge according to the service you perform as well as the configuration of your missions.

What is the basis for calculating the salary of an employee in wage portage?

The basis for calculating the salary of an employee in portage status is via the available amount present in his activity account. It is notably composed of:

  • The amount of available provisions such as allowances, the employee's available balance or provisions for charges;
  • Various amounts and bonuses provided by the wage portage company.

Subsequently, this is added to the rest of the remuneration which consists of fees, salary and various benefits. It is then necessary to remove the various charges and tax and social levies. The available amount is calculated as follows:

Amount of the service excluding tax (Monthly turnover excluding tax) – management fees = amount available.

Please note: the price of the service is initially collected by the wage portage company. Also, some fees are deducted from the available amount, namely:

  • The amounts reserved by the portage employee himself or by the portage company salary;
  • Professional expenses, declared, exempt from social contributions and taxes;
  • Miscellaneous costs related to payment ment of subcontractors, business introducers.

How to calculate the salary of a carried employee?

In addition, starting from this available amount, here is what the monthly salary of a person in wage portage consists of:

  • Net salary, after payment of social contributions and income taxes;
  • Professional expenses exempt from charges, recredited to the employee;
  • Various financial benefits and bonuses.

Thus, the net payable, which is therefore the amount transferred to the employee's bank account in wage portage, is calculated as follows:

Amount available – Employer and employee contributions – Income tax = net payable.

What is the payslip of a ported employee composed of?

As for any employee, that of a person in wage portage must specify and detail all elements of the employee's gross remuneration. The latter consists of:

  • Base salary, fixed,
  • Additional, variable and adjustable salary,
  • Various allowances.

Base salary

The basic salary is invariable and fixed. It is paid to the employee every month, even if the service provided has not yet been credited to the employee's activity account. It is governed by the Collective Agreement in force as well as by the Labor Code. This is the conventional minimum wage from which the business contribution bonus (5% of the base salary) and the paid vacation allowances (10% of the base salary and the business contribution bonus) are deducted. ).

Additional salary

The additional salary is variable and adjustable. This sum is due to the employee only after receipt of the various services provided during the month. Also, this component of the salary is not part of the other legal obligations of remuneration. Various allowances There are several allowances that make up the pay slip of a wage portage employee:

  • The business contribution allowance, set at 5% of the gross remuneration of the employee supported and governed by Article L.1254-2 of the Labor Code;
  • The fixed-term precariousness allowance, regulated by Article L1243-8 of the Labor Code and representing at least 10% of the total gross remuneration paid during the fixed-term contract (excluding paid leave);
  • The CDI prospecting allowance, governed by Article 22.2 of the Collective Agreement and representing 10% of the "base salary" of the last mission.

What are the charges and the cost of wage portage?

It should be noted that social charges and other taxes are directly deducted from the turnover of the wearer. These are governed by the legislation in force as well as by the Collective Agreement. The wage portage company is responsible for calculating and deducting this amount. With regard to the various costs that a wage portage can generate, they include:

  • The management fees as well as the commission which make it possible to maintain the cash of the carrying company;
  • Reimbursement of various professional and operating expenses generated by the activity of the employee carried and that the latter must advance.

These costs guarantee the proper management of the portage company.

Contributions as an employee in wage portage

A supported employee can benefit from the social protection granted by the general social security system. These various contributions are financed by the turnover of the activity. However, the wage portage company has the status of employer. In fact, it is she who manages the various contributions and taxes of the carried employee:

  • income tax,
  • Employer and employee social security contributions,
  • Various other tax levies and social charges.

All of this is governed by the Collective Agreement for the branch of wage portage employees. These various contributions are the subject of a Nominative Social Declaration (DSN) which allows the transmission of data to the various social organizations such as URSSAF, CPAM or Pôle Emploi.

What are the different social, employer and employee contributions?

The employee with a ported status contributes for several elements such as:

  • Family allowances,
  • Unemployment,
  • Retirement,
  • Health and everything related to accidents at work;
  • Training,
  • The CSG / CRDS.

What are the various other tax deductions and social charges?

Here, it is a question of the different specific contributions to the professional status linked to wage portage. These contributions, provided for by the Collective Agreement, are:

  • Compulsory social contributions: training, occupational medicine, conventional contribution to social dialogue;
  • Social and tax levies such as the contribution on the value of companies (CVAE), the tax on company vehicles (TVS) or the social solidarity contribution of companies (C3S);
  • The various other charges which allowt to cover and protect the carried employee and everything related to it: professional insurance; financial guarantees, factoring costs and cover for unpaid bills and disputes (as with late billing, for example).

What are the advantages of opting for wage portage?

You could ask yourself the question of the interest of becoming a salaried employee. The calculation of professional expenses is one of them. The Weepo simulation tool takes into account the purchase of computer equipment over 600 as well as the amount of your professional expenses. Indeed, the fact of declaring these expenses, exempt from income tax and social contributions, constitutes a major advantage in terms of taxation. This is not the case if you maintain a simple independent or freelance status. As you will have understood, declaring your fixed and/or variable expenses can allow you to increase your net salary. However, be careful to have a good enough turnover to advance these costs! Finally, as explained above, the employee in wage portage benefits from multiple insurances and coverages because of his contributions. This allows him to benefit from social rights and protections. In summary, for the ported employee, wage portage allows:

  • The flexibility of independence linked to the protection of employees;
  • Support for administrative management, which is sometimes time-consuming for a freelancer;
  • The creation of a status that provides support;
  • Legal certainty;
  • Access to networks of experts;
  • The limitation of the risks generated by an independent activity.

Who can benefit from wage portage?

Wage portage is a practical and possible solution for almost everyone:

  • Employee who wishes to diversify his activities,
  • Consultant who wishes to widen his field of possibilities,
  • Trainer who wishes to be referenced and have a training number,
  • Retired person who wishes to keep a professional activity,
  • Autoentrepreneur who wishes to focus on his professional activity without worrying about administrative aspects and benefit from protection,
  • Business creator who wishes to limit the risks associated with the launch of his project.

If you belong to one of these categories, do not hesitate to use the Weepo simulator, to test the different possible configurations related to your situation for free.

The carrying simulation tool, an effective solution to project yourself

Thanks to the Weepo simulation tool, you are sure to project your income as well as possible. Indeed, our database takes into account all the parameters explained above. You can also benefit from a personalized simulation! For this, do not hesitate to contact us! A consultant will be happy to guide you and optimize your research.

A personalized simulation ?

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