Maximize your income through wage portage: practical tips

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Maximize your income through wage portage: practical tips

How to optimize your salary in wage portage?

The net remuneration received by the portage employee represents only a part of the total turnover achieved. Indeed, they must pay management fees, social contributions, both employee and employer, as well as certain expenses billed by the umbrella company. Fortunately, there are various techniques for optimizing the salary in wage portage to maximize income. Let's explore these techniques to make your professional journey more profitable.

Managing professional expenses to maximize income in wage portage

Various deductible expenses allow for the optimization of salary in wage portage.

Negotiation of mission expenses

The mission expenses in wage portage, also known as reimbursable expenses, encompass all necessary expenses for carrying out a mission for a client company. These may include expenses related to specific IT equipment, accommodation costs, travel expenses, or even meal expenses. Separate from the net salary, these expenses are not subject to the management fees of the umbrella company.

To optimize your income, you have the option to negotiate the mission expenses with the client company. The latter can indeed reimburse them upon presentation of receipts. This allows you to recover the expenses you incurred for the completion of the mission.

Deduction of professional expenses

In addition to reimbursable expenses, it is also possible to optimize the salary through non-reimbursable expenses known as professional expenses. These include internet connection fees, phone bills, coworking, prospecting, equipment purchases, etc. They are included in the salary calculation but can be deducted from the turnover. To do this, simply deduct these expenses from the portage employee's activity account.

This technique allows you to be exempt from social charges and income tax. The umbrella company sets its own policy for covering professional expenses, but it is capped by URSSAF at 30% of the gross remuneration paid. These professional expenses are also an essential parameter for determining your TJM in portage.

Deduction of teleworking expenses

Expenses incurred in the context of teleworking are deductible from your turnover. They consist of fixed costs like rent and housing tax, variable costs like electricity, and exceptional costs like IT equipment. To benefit from this deduction, you must:

  • Inform the umbrella company of the proportion of the area dedicated to professional activity compared to the total area of the home;
  • Provide receipts for each expense related to the professional activity.

Deduction of capital assets to optimize salary in wage portage

Capital assets are investment goods with a value exceeding 500 euros excluding taxes. They serve the needs of the activity in the long term, such as machines, vehicles, equipment, and office furniture. Instead of deducting them directly as expenses, they can be amortized annually over a defined period based on the durability of the asset and a specific calculation method. For example, a computer is amortized over three years.

To deduct your capital assets from your activity account, the invoice for the capitalized goods must be in the name of the umbrella company. It will handle the reimbursement and deduction from your activity account of the asset's value. This is the main advantage of wage portage compared to self-employment, where one must exclusively finance their capital assets from their own activity income. If you wish to delve deeper into the subject and learn other tips, such as managing your taxes in wage portage, consult this article. However, ensure that your umbrella company covers capital assets.

Use of employee savings schemes

There are different employee savings schemes that allow for the optimization of salary in wage portage.


The Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PERCO) is a scheme aimed at helping employees build up capital for their retirement. The amounts paid into your PERCO are blocked for at least 5 years, but with the possibility of total or partial early withdrawal in the following cases:

  • Death of the portage employee, their spouse, or PACS partner;
  • Disability of the portage employee, their spouse, PACS partner, or children;
  • Expiration of unemployment insurance rights;
  • Expenses incurred by the main residence;
  • Over-indebtedness.


The Company Savings Plan (PEE) allows portage employees to build up capital while benefiting from advantageous taxation. Normally unavailable for 5 years, you can withdraw the amounts totally or partially before the term in the following cases:

  • Marriage, conclusion of a PACS;
  • Divorce, dissolution of a PACS, separation with custody of at least one child;
  • Birth or adoption of a third child;
  • Termination of the employment contract;
  • Expiration of unemployment insurance rights;
  • Creation or takeover of a business;
  • Disability of the portage employee, their spouse, PACS partner, or children;
  • Expenses incurred by the main residence;
  • Over-indebtedness.

Tax optimization

There are many tax optimization techniques such as:

  • CESU vouchers;
  • Gift vouchers;
  • Cultural vouchers;
  • Meal vouchers;
  • Mileage allowances, etc.

Choosing a good umbrella company

The last technique for optimizing the salary in wage portage is to choose your umbrella company wisely. Discover the criteria to consider.

Transparency of rates

Favor companies that clearly display the management fees they charge, as this will determine your monthly remuneration. These fees generally do not exceed 15% of the gross turnover of the portage employee. However, beware of management fees that are too attractive, as they may hide other fees or insufficient services.

Thanks to a wage portage simulation tool, you can perform calculations with peace of mind. Weepo provides you with a simulator to calculate your net salary, employer charges, as well as taxes in wage portage, all useful information for optimizing your salary in wage portage.

Benefits offered to employees

The interest for freelancers and consultants in joining an umbrella company is to benefit from the advantages of the employee status. Ensure that the company guarantees these advantages in the employment contract. Whether it is a fixed-term or permanent contract, the contract must specify as much information as possible, such as the remuneration calculation methods, the nature of the mission, etc. All elements that help you better understand your pay slip in wage portage.

Also, opt for companies that offer more or less comprehensive support to portage employees. For example, training, legal services, mission offers, personal advice, etc.

Sector of activity

The choice of the umbrella company can also depend on the sector of activity in which you operate. At Weepo, we offer wage portage solutions to consultants and freelancers working in the IT field. Whether you are a project manager, web developer, data scientist, or network administrator, you maintain your autonomy while benefiting from social protection.


It is preferable to choose umbrella companies recognized to avoid taking unnecessary risks when launching your activity. Checking the company's longevity is certainly necessary, but it is especially important to read the reviews of portage employees. This allows you to assess the company's reliability.

Financial situation

The last criterion, and not the least, is the financial solidity of the umbrella company. The company must have strong cash flow to compensate for any failures of the client company.

Optimizing your salary in wage portage involves good management of professional expenses to benefit from tax and social charge exemptions. Other techniques such as savings plans and capital assets also allow for tax optimization. But if you want to maximize your income while benefiting from the best conditions, you must choose your umbrella company wisely. With Weepo, in addition to accessing technology, you work in peace and in a transparent environment.

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monthly turnover
Professional fees
Wage portage
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