Mutual in wage portage

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weepo - Portage salarial : Mutuelle

When you become an employee of a company, the question of complementary health is appropriate since an employee can benefit from the benefits of the mutual insurance company of his company. This is an advantage that often allows you to benefit from advantageous rates. Is mutual insurance an advantage or disadvantage of wage portage? Is it possible to benefit from mutual insurance in wage portage? And if so, how?

What is complementary health insurance?

A complementary health or mutual insurance is a contract which makes it possible to supplement Social Security reimbursements in the event of illness, accident or maternity. Indeed, Social Security takes into sometimes charges the entire expense, but sometimes only a part of health-related expenses. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the amount already covered by Social Security to settle the left to pay. You can use your own funds, but you can also call on complementary health insurance. As her name suggests, she supplements Social Security coverage and will therefore pay the remaining amount of expenses incurred.

Complementary health insurance, also known as mutual insurance, is not mandatory when you subscribe to it individually. It is offered by many companies and exists in different types of contracts to meet the specific needs of each individual. You can thus choose a contract that offers guarantees tailored to your expectations if you wish.

Company Mutual

Since 2016, all companies are required to offer a collective health mutual to their employees. This collective contract aims to provide minimum coverage for routine care, hospitalization, optical services, and dental expenses. Membership in this mutual is mandatory for employees, except in cases of exemption provided by law (for example: already covered by a mandatory mutual, short-term contract, etc.).

This company mutual often presents advantages, such as a reduced rate due to the employer covering at least 50% of the contribution. It thus allows employees to benefit from health coverage at a lower cost.

The reason for refusal must fall within one of the exemption cases provided by law:

  • The employee is hired for a contract of less than 12 months
  • The employee on a fixed-term contract (CDD) is already affiliated with another collective or individual mutual insurance contract before signing their employment contract
  • The employee on a permanent contract (CDI) also has the option to refuse if they already have mandatory mutual insurance.
  • They are already covered by their spouse's mutual insurance
  • They benefit from CMUC (Universal Complementary Health Coverage) or ACS (Assistance for the Acquisition of Complementary Health Coverage)

Mutual health and wage portage

The question of mutual insurance and wage portage can therefore arise for anyone considering becoming a consultant and opting for wage portage. Indeed, the mutual in wage portage can be part of the benefits that one will enjoy enjoying as a employee. Complementary health insurance takes the form of a minimum basket of care with the minimum level of guarantees to which the employee can pretend. With a mutual in wage portage, we find minimum guarantees dedicated to dental, optical care, illness and the hospital package. There may also be a pension part which relates to incapacity, invalidity or death.

The specificity of the mutual in wage portage is that the employee porte pays his own social security contributions (employees and employers). It is therefore proposed here a minimum health cover with membership mandatory for the employee. The carried employee can also have the possibility of allowing their beneficiaries to benefit from the scheme with a "duo" or "family" package for example.

Portability of the mutual in wage portage

In the event of breach of contract with the portage company giving the right the opening of unemployment rights (dismissal except for gross negligence, agreed termination, legitimate resignation), the portability of the mutual in wage portage can be activated within the limit of 12 months after leaving the umbrella company. The former employee can thus benefit from the same coverage as when he was a salaried employee.

To know more :

What is international wage portage?

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