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weepo - Portage salarial : Remunerations

When you choose to embark on salary portage, it is very often that you want to benefit from the advantages of employee status . Indeed, being an employee of a company gives access to various possibilities which one cannot always access as a self-employed person for example. We are talking here in particular about restaurant tickets, unemployment or mileage costs. It also has the issue of remuneration which needs to be addressed with the calculation of salary, but also retirement as well

Meal vouchers

Wage portage restaurant tickets are among the appreciable advantages that can be found in wage portage and to which we will not have access if we choose the status of freelancing. As soon as the employee is registered with his company in portage, he therefore has the possibility of requesting tickets restaurant. These tickets will allow him to save money on many food expenses. Moreover, some companies in portage also offer employee savings plans or even gift vouchers for example. Before choosing an umbrella company, it can therefore be interesting to know the advantages that are offered.


The unemployment in wage portage is another advantage that can largely tip the scales down wage portage when you hesitate with a business creation by example. Indeed, the supported employee has access to several advantages social benefits such as paid leave, but also unemployment compensation. Once his fixed-term contract has ended or upon termination of the open-ended contract, it is then possible to file a application for unemployment benefit from Pôle Emploi. It will then be possible to provide an employer certificate justifying the change situation and register as a jobseeker. The calculation of compensation depends on the daily reference wage.

Mileage costs

As part of the performance of his duties, a supported employee may absolutely have to use a vehicle, he can then consider to be reimbursed for mileage. These are allowances who are exempt from social contributions as long as they do not do not exceed the amount limit set by the tax scale of fees kilometers.

Access to kilometric expenses in wage portage is however subject to certain conditions, either make the trip within the framework of his professional activity, not to have any other alternative to using your personal vehicle as transport in common, for example, provide a copy of the gray card in his name and record each trip, specifying the date, place of departure and arrival, the kilometers traveled and the reason for the trip.

Salary calculation

The calculation of salary in wage portage is also an important question if one plans to embark on the carrying. Indeed, several costs must be taken into account for calculate their net salary. First, there are the costs of management that will be applied and which represents the costs of operation of the carrier business. We will then add the employer charges as well as wage charges which allow in particular to pay social security contributions. Depending on the amount of these different costs, we can obtain the amount of the remuneration net. It is therefore important to know the rates applied by the portage company that we have chosen in order to realize the difference between the turnover generated for a mission and the net return to be obtained.


What retirement in wage portage? Wage portage entitles you to various social benefits, including retirement is part of it. Thus, by opting for a CDD or a CDI with of a portage company, we will also accumulate for retirement. It is the umbrella company that takes care of collecting and calculating the pension contributions from the employee's compensation, and then to pay the said contributions to the funds concerned. In order to calculate the amount of the full pension, it will be necessary to calculate the average salaries taking into account the best 25 years. By dividing the amount by 25, one can obtain the average annual salary. The amount of the full-rate basic pension will represent 50% of the annual salary AVERAGE.


With regard to the wage portage tax, it is calculated in the same way as for any other employee. The income is therefore subject to the actual tax system and the samples are taken at source. The amount of taxes is therefore deducted directly from the employee's salary.

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