
What You Need to Know About Paternity Leave in Wage Portage

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Since January 2002, paternity leave has been a right regulated by the Labor Code. Adopted in the spirit of equality, paternity leave differs from maternity leave granted to mothers. For employees in companies, the issue of paternity leave isn't much of a concern. However, for men working in wage portage, this leave raises questions about their rights and the steps to take to benefit from it. In this article, we'll explore the rights of wage portage consultants, the necessary conditions to claim paternity leave, and the procedures to follow to benefit from it.

Reminder: What is Wage Portage?

It's a system allowing independent workers to carry out their activity autonomously while benefiting from the social advantages associated with employee status. A contract is then concluded between the independent worker, called a consultant or wage portage employee, and a wage portage such as Weepo. Through this employment form, the consultant enjoys the security and social benefits usually granted to employees, such as social protection, unemployment insurance, retirement benefits, health insurance, and paternity leave.

Regarding administrative, accounting, and tax matters, all these aspects are managed directly by the umbrella company, allowing consultants to focus on carrying out their missions. They no longer have to issue invoices or collect payments; all of this is handled by the umbrella company. It also pays a salary to consultants based on their daily rate and turnover, after deducting social charges and management fees. The umbrella company becomes, in a way, the consultant's employer.

As you can see, wage portage is perfectly suited for independent workers wishing to reconcile entrepreneurial freedom with professional security.

Paternity Leave in Wage Portage: What Are Your Rights?

Just like an employee in a company, an employee under a umbrella company is entitled to paternity leave and can also receive associated benefits. In this situation, the contract is suspended, and the consultant preserves their rights related to their employee status. This leave can be taken at the time of childbirth or the arrival of a child through adoption. Note that paternity leave is different from birth leave granted to the father. This birth leave is for 3 working days and must be taken consecutively on the day of childbirth or the arrival of the child.

As for paternity leave, it is regulated by Article L.1225-35 of the Labor Code. This leave can be taken alongside birth leave. Both leaves can be taken consecutively or separately. Moreover, paternity leave must be taken within 6 months following the birth of the child and can be taken partially or entirely, at once or in several parts.

Paternity Leave in Wage Portage: What is its Duration?

The duration of paternity leave is the same for everyone, whether you are an employee in a company or an employee in wage portage. The duration depends on the number of children born or welcomed. It is a minimum of 4 days and a maximum of 25 or 32 days in calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.

  • For the birth of one child, the wage portage employee has 28 days of leave (3 days of birth leave, 4 days of paternity leave to be taken immediately after birth, and 21 days of leave to be taken within 6 months).
  • For the birth of twins, the duration of paternity leave can be up to 35 days (3 days of birth leave and 32 days of paternity leave).

Paternity Leave in Wage Portage: What Are the Conditions to Qualify?

Several conditions must be met to qualify for paternity leave in wage portage and daily allowances during this period. The amount of this allowance may vary depending on the employee's situation.

Here are the conditions to meet to qualify for paternity leave:

  • Paternity leave must be taken within 6 months following the birth or arrival of the child.
  • The wage portage employee must have been affiliated with social security for at least 10 months from the start date of the leave.
  • The wage portage employee must have worked a minimum of 150 hours in the 3 months preceding the start of the leave or must have earned at least €10,403.75 in the 6 months preceding the start of the leave.

Note that seniority in the umbrella company is not a requirement to benefit from paternity leave compensation. Additionally, the father is not the only one eligible to request parental leave; the person living with the child's mother can also do so. Finally, this compensation will be paid by the health insurance fund and not by the umbrella company.

You're a wage portage consultant, you're about to become a father, and you have questions about paternity leave? Weepo, the ally of independent workers, provides you with daily support to navigate this period with peace of mind.

Do you have other questions?

Maternity Leave and Sick Leave in Wage Portage: Discover the specifics and rights related to these particular situations.

Paid Leave in Wage Portage: Understand how these leaves work and are managed in the context of wage portage.

Permanent Contract (CDI) or Wage Portage: What are the differences between these two statuses?