
Wage Portage vs Entrepreneurial Portage: Which Status to Choose?

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Choosing the right professional status is a crucial step for any entrepreneur. In the professional landscape, wage portage and entrepreneurial portage emerge as attractive options offering flexibility and security. However, when faced with these two choices, it is essential to understand the differences regarding contract specifics, daily operations, social benefits, and remuneration. This article will help you make an informed decision about the status that best suits your needs and professional goals.

Contract Specifics

The specifics of the contract vary depending on the nature of wage portage or entrepreneurial portage. Thus, the rights and obligations of supported consultants will not be the same.

Wage Portage, a Tripartite Relationship

In this form of employment, the employee or supported consultant is bound by an employment contract with a wage portage company. This contract can be a permanent or fixed-term contract and is subject to the provisions of the Labor Code. From a legal point of view, it is very similar to the contracts commonly found in companies. A commercial contract will also be established and signed with the client company, which outlines the mission and details the terms of service.

Note that the consultant cannot intervene for more than 3 years with the same client. However, they can remain linked to the wage portage company indefinitely. In summary, the wage portage company takes care of all administrative, tax, and accounting aspects as would a traditional employer, relieving the freelancer from the need to set up a business.

Entrepreneurial Portage, a Bipartite Relationship

This legal status implies no connection between the portage company and the consultant's client. A mission contract will be established between the consultant and their client. This contract is regulated by the Commercial Code and specifies the terms of collaboration and conditions for service delivery. As for the relationship between the consultant and the portage company, it is governed by a mandate contract. In this relationship, the portage company acts as an administrative and fiscal agent. Therefore, it will handle all procedures related to the management of the freelancer's activity. Unlike the mission in wage portage, there is no time limit regarding the duration of the intervention. The consultant can therefore work for the same client for as long as they wish and as long as it is feasible.

Consultant Obligations

With wage portage, there is a relationship of subordination between the wage portage company and the supported employee. This means that the supported employee must submit deliverables to the wage portage company, such as activity reports or time sheets. These documents must be submitted to the wage portage company for the supported employee to receive their remuneration and obtain pay slips.

Conversely, entrepreneurial portage implies no relationship of subordination. There are therefore no requirements in terms of deliverables. The consultant is not bound to any obligations towards the entrepreneurial company. In this bipartite relationship, the portage company acts as a service provider while the independent worker is a mandatary of the company.

Social Benefits

With wage portage, the usual social benefits found in a traditional employment contract are provided. This comprehensive social protection includes social security, health insurance, retirement, unemployment benefits, and supplementary health insurance. In exchange for these benefits, social charges will be deducted from the consultant's turnover, unlike in a traditional employment contract where the employer pays the charges themselves. Due to the deduction of social charges from the consultant's turnover in wage portage, the turnover must be higher than in entrepreneurial portage.

Indeed, in the entrepreneurial portage model, the consultant does not contribute to Unemployment Insurance, and consequently, they will not be eligible for unemployment benefits.


The remuneration of the independent worker depends on their turnover. In wage portage, it is the wage portage company that pays the salary to the supported consultant. It is also responsible for invoicing the supported employee's clients and collecting payments. In exchange for this simplified management, management fees will be deducted from the consultant's turnover. Additionally, to be eligible for this hybrid model, a minimum turnover is required, unlike in entrepreneurial portage where there is no minimum turnover requirement.

Regarding the choice of missions and clients, supported employees in wage portage can only offer their services to companies. In entrepreneurial portage, consultants can offer their services to any type of client, whether it be a company, association, or individual.

Do you want to enjoy great freedom in carrying out your missions while having comprehensive social protection? Then wage portage is most certainly for you! Weepo, a trusted partner of independent workers, accompanies you in your professional journey by offering you a reliable platform and turnkey solutions to simplify your daily life.

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