Wage portage regulations

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weepo - Portage salarial : Reglementations

The regulations regarding portage allow you to know exactly how umbrella companies work and therefore what to expect for the future employees carried. These regulations make it possible to address various topics such as training, the legal status of an employee, sick leave, the collective agreement, the financial guarantee as well as paid leave.


The salary portage and the training is a question that often comes up from the carried employee. It is true that the latter has access to the right to training. Indeed, the rights that are assimilated to employees carried are the same as for employees classics. As a result, the employee in portage pays a contribution to his personal training account or CPF. So he himself can have use of this account subsequently to finance training eligible for the CPF. In addition, a professional in wage portage is entitled to 20 hours of training each year. The hourly volume can be accumulated on a period of 6 years without exceeding 120 hours. It is necessary that benefit from a seniority of at least 4 years full-time to be able to use its CPF.

Employee status carried

The legal status in portage salary salaried employee is governed by the Labor Code and more specifically the articles from Ordinance No. 2015-380 dated April 2, 2015. The employee has the possibility of being hired on a fixed-term or permanent contract. He realises assignments with a client company and it is the company of portage which takes care of invoicing and then pays remuneration to the carried employee.

Sick leave

When an employee is in wage portage, he has the right to possibility of benefiting from sick leave if necessary. In effect, being a salaried employee allows you to be covered by the social security of the general system, which includes the reimbursement of care and the implementation instead of sick leave. It is then possible to perceive daily allowances from the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Illness when you can justify having worked at least 150 hours in the last 3 months. The calculation of the amount of compensation is based on average gross salaries within the limit of 1.8 times the Monthly minimum wage. In the event of [sick leave in porterage salary](/en/portage-salarial/reglementations/arret- Maladie), it must be prescribed by a doctor and the consultant has 48 hours to inform social security and his employer.

Collective convention

The collective agreement is a set of documents concluded officially as part of a business. It results from an agreement between employers and employee representatives. She makes it possible in particular to list the social and professional rights of employees such as working time, remuneration, working conditions hiring, etc. The collective porting agreement salary is specific to this branch and has been implemented since March 22, 2017 and active since July 1st, 2017 for 5 years. It can therefore be interesting to refer to this document if you wish to learn more about the operation of a company in wage portage.

The financial guarantee

A wage portage company is required to provide a financial guarantee in accordance with the provisions of article L1254-27 of the Labor Code. The purpose of this obligation is in particular to allow the company to honor its commitments to its employees. In effect, a wage portage company is required to hold a certificate of financial guarantee. This is a way to protect employees worn, but also the State against the consequences of a potential financial incapacity of the company. As for the amount of the financial guarantee in portage salary, it is calculated on the basis of the annual payroll of the carrier company.

Get informed before starting

Whichever carrier company you decide to choose, there is It is essential to be well informed before starting. Know the regulations in force in terms of wage portage is the best way to avoid mistakes and understand how it works of this type of business. We therefore recommend that future employees to get as much information as possible from their carrier company before launching.

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