
Wage portage and collective agreement

weepo - Portage salarial : Convention collective

Combining traditional wage labor and self-employment, wage portage is a special status that often arouses curiosity, but also mistrust. For the sake of transparency, both vis-à-vis the law and in the eyes of the working world, this regulation of wage portage has led to the creation of a collective agreement.

While wage portage has existed for around 30 years, it was not until 2017 that the collective wage portage agreement was put in place. It took four months of negotiations for all the stakeholders to finally agree and unanimously sign this agreement.

But what does this collective agreement include and what is it for? Many also wonder what new collective agreement can bring to wage portage.

We will try to answer all these questions throughout this article.

What is the use of the collective wage portage agreement?

The collective wage sponsorship agreement is the result of a common agreement between employee representatives and organizations employers. Including the provisions specific to wage portage, this agreement lists all the social and professional rights of employees supported (conditions of employment, compensation, work, etc).

The main purpose of this collective agreement is therefore to secure the general working conditions and the course professional of employees carried. In particular, it makes it possible to anticipate possible negotiations that may relate to social protection, the right to training or even the classification of carried employees.

In addition, the collective agreement helps to improve confidence between the employee carried and the client company. For the latter, this agreement offers the possibility of finding consultants credible with varied skills. And knowing that carrying is a springboard for those who wish to embark on entrepreneurship, collective agreement is essential.

What does the national collective wage portage agreement include?

The national collective agreement (CCN) for wage portage is composed of 36 articles and 3 chapters, the first of which concerns the scope of wage portage. The profile required to be a supported employee, the different classifications of supported employees, as well as issues relating to remuneration are mentioned therein. We will come back to this later.

In addition, this national collective agreement (CCN) of the portage salary accurately describes the different rules governing the professional relationship between employees and employers. here is the list essential information contained in this collective agreement :

  • salary scales;
  • bonuses ;
  • the terms of the trial period;
  • severance pay;
  • sick leave;
  • overtime and paid leave;
  • working and break times.

In some cases, it happens that the contents of the collective agreement and the Labor Code are contradictory. If this happens, it will be provision that most benefits the employee carried that it will take privilege.

What does the collective agreement bring to wage portage?

A sign of a new start for wage portage, this agreement collective has made some improvements to better regulate the sector.

Extended wage portage access conditions

Autonomy and freedom being the specificities of wage portage, in order to be able to claim the status of carried employee, the person concerned must be able to ** canvass his clients himself ** and negotiate his rate. The interested party must also have a bac+2 level or justify 3 years of experience in his sector. This is a change major since wage portage was formerly reserved for frames.

A better classification of carried employees

The collective wage portage agreement has ensured that salaried employees are divided into three categories. Thus, depending of his experience and his seniority, the portage consultant salary can be:

  • an employee referred to as a junior if he has less than 3 years of experience, which corresponds to the status of technician-supervisor or manager;
  • a senior employee if he has more than 3 years of seniority in the portage company, which earns him be considered as an executive;
  • an employee increased to the daily rate who will be admitted as a manager.

Adjusted compensation

Of course, the category of employee carried inevitably has an impact on his pay. Again, changes have been made. There minimum remuneration was previously set at 75% of the monthly ceiling of social security. With the collective agreement, the partners have agreed on a minimum remuneration of 77% of the monthly social security ceiling for an employee referred to as a junior. This compensation can go up to 93% of this ceiling for employees on flat-rate days.

Note that a reserve corresponding to 10% of the base salary of the consultant is incorporated in the activity account of the employee carried. This reserve allows the carried employee to have a provision in the event of decrease or absence of activity.

The method agreement: logical continuation of the CCN of wage portage

It is good to know that the collective agreement is only the point starting point for ambitious projects that the social partners have committed to perform in a method agreement. This defines the work to be implemented in order to complete the collective agreement. Here is a non-exhaustive list of these works:

  • The establishment of union communication;
  • The level of complementary health and provident insurance coverage;
  • The issue of employment and professional equality;
  • The treatment of work accidents occurring during a prospecting period;
  • The contribution to the financing of paritarianism;
  • The question of the place of work and its consideration with regard to the concept of travel expenses.

These questions, some of which are already in progress, show the extent of the specificities of wage portage. This one gives example in an innovative sector constantly seeking to adapt to needs of employees carried.

But then, what is the porting convention?

Not to be confused with collective agreement, labor agreement portage or membership agreement is a document allowing to formalize the status of carried employee. In other words, the signature of the portage agreement allows a consultant to become ported. This also confirms the agreement of the employee portage company the consultant.

But beware, the portage agreement is in no way a contract of work. Although the porting agreement induces obligations and rights for the signatories, it cannot act as a employment contract. In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, this act contract can be considered as the prelude to the signing of the employment contract.

To learn more about the regulations:

Are we entitled to training in babywearing salary?

Legal status of wage portage: what framework legal?

Wage Portage and Paid Leave: All know

What financial guarantee in carrying salary?

Sick leave and wage portage: what are your rights?